"People can photograph anything from moss on the walls to shadows on the ground. If you can see beauty in these subjects, then you can create beauty for others to appreciate." --- LEE LIM

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Help!! I'm Cornered!!

_MG_0281 - House Lizard Trapped at Corner

"Help!! I'm Cornered!!" exclaimed the House Lizard. He stayed still... very still as any movement would bring more attention to himself and reduce his survival chances drastically. He is now in bare territory, without the cover that had hidden him comfortably.

Just minutes ago, he was safe there... lying in the dark, until a bright light came on with a gigantic strange creature running in who made some splashing noises, filled the space with pungent odour and kicked his cover abruptly... revealing his concealment.

He ran... with all his legs, trying to find a possible escape route but alas, the pungent odour must have got to him, for he was disoriented and couldn't get out. All these while, the gigantic creature just sat there watching his every move before making a final loud splashing noise and went away.

"It's gone. I'm safe" he thought to himself but security was short lived as the gigantic creature returned with a strange big black thing that looked like a very big eye. Big Eye was trailing him, nailing his every move with a "cliiiiccck" and blinding light that added to his confusion.

He can only stay low in the open and bid his time. Trapped and Cornered.

Suddenly Big Eye wasn't trailing him anymore - "Now's the CHANCE!!" He scrambled towards the crack that he had noticed while bidding his time... and he's gone.

_MG_0269 - House Lizard at Toilet Door Bottom - Notice the ultra translucent body that allows the edge of door to be seen thru!

1 comment:

Potter's Hand said...

oh gosh! i really hate lizards to the core! did u take this with the 100mm macro lens? it's so clear! i can see it's translucent body! faint!