"People can photograph anything from moss on the walls to shadows on the ground. If you can see beauty in these subjects, then you can create beauty for others to appreciate." --- LEE LIM

Monday, July 14, 2008

Operation Smile - WAFF Carnival

_MG_4172 - WAFF - All Kids Should Be Able To Smile Like Him

Everyone should be gifted with a beautiful smile... : )

"WAFF stands for “Warm And Fuzzy Feeling”, which is the theme for the carnival, in conjunction with our tagline “Feel The Fuzz, Take The Step, Bridge The Gap”. This represents the three main aims that we hope to achieve from the carnival as a whole – that the public feels enthusiastic about doing charity work; that youths will be able to step up to the challenge of organising charity projects; and to spread the awareness and understanding of cleft lip and various craniofacial conditions to the public."

Source: uspstudent.nus.edu.sg/waff/about.php

For the whole series, click HERE.

_MG_3915 - WAFF - Face Waffing

_MG_3920 - WAFF - Choc Fountain Babes

_MG_3950 - WAFF - Balloon Waffers

_MG_3952 - WAFF - HIT ME Waffers

_MG_3947 - WAFF - Contented Security

_MG_4256 - WAFF - Happy Baby

_MG_3993 - WAFF - TeoSerLuck Center Of Attention

_MG_3992 - WAFF - Canon Lens Waffers

_MG_4016 - WAFF - TeoSerLuck Spray Away

_MG_4021 - WAFF - TeoSerLuck's Structured Graffiti Unvealed

_MG_4032 - WAFF - TeoSerLuck With Baby & Dad

_MG_3922 - WAFF - Hard Thubbing

_MG_4040 - WAFF - Spin

_MG_4124 - WAFF - Passionate Musician

_MG_4116 - WAFF - Board Graffiti Women Touch

_MG_4210 - WAFF - Hardcore Waff Supporter

_MG_4085 - WAFF - One For Camera

_MG_4067 - WAFF - Painted Waffer & Friends

_MG_4169 - WAFF - TeoSerLuck Operation Smile

_MG_4142 - WAFF - TeoSerLuck Happy Waffers

Shooting Notes & Details:
Camera Body: Canon 40D
Lens: EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
Mode: Av @ 6.3
ISO: 200
Focusing: AF

It was a good day with great light. Slightly cast within the tentage. Atmosphere was waffy (warm and fuzzy feel) and all out to do their bit for raising awareness & funds. Had fun that day and tried seeing things and events happening with my heart... : )

Thanks Tracy, for informing & inviting me over for such a great time!!

For the whole series, click HERE.

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